Sawariya Seth Temple: Explore A Soul Awakening Journey

Sawariya Seth Temple is a sacred place that attracts devotees from all over the world. Stepping into the temple premises, one can instantly feel a sense of peace and tranquility.

The temple is dedicated to Sawariya Seth (Lord Shri Krishna), a revered deity known for his benevolence and miracles.

As you embarked on your spiritual journey to this sacred place, You will be filled with anticipation and excitement, eager to explore the history, significance, architecture, rituals, festivals and stories associated with Sanwariya Seth Temple! In this blog, I have covered all these things. So let’s get started!!!

History and Significance of Sawariya Seth Temple

The history of Sawariya Seth Temple dates back several centuries. Legend has it that the temple was built by a devoted follower of Sawariya Seth who had a divine vision instructing him to construct a place of worship in his honor.

Over the years, the temple has become a symbol of faith and devotion for millions of people. It is believed that praying at the temple can bring blessings, fulfill desires, and provide protection from evil forces.

Devotees visit the temple to seek solace, find answers to their prayers, and experience a deep connection with the divine.

Architecture and Design of the Temple

The architecture of Sawariya Seth Temple is a mesmerizing blend of intricate carvings, vibrant colors, and awe-inspiring sculptures.

You’ll be mesmerized by its architectural grandeur. Crafted with precision and finesse, the temple showcases the distinctive pink stone that Rajasthan is renowned for.

The temple is built in the traditional architectural style, with a towering spire that reaches towards the sky. The main entrance is adorned with beautiful motifs and statues depicting various deities.

As you entered the temple, you were greeted by a spacious courtyard surrounded by smaller shrines dedicated to different gods and goddesses. The sanctum sanctorum, where the idol of Sawariya Seth is placed, is a sight to behold.

Spiritual Rituals and Practices at Temple

Sawariya Seth Temple is known for its rich spiritual rituals and practices that are performed with utmost devotion and reverence.

The day begins with the chanting of sacred mantras and the lighting of lamps. The priests perform elaborate rituals, offering flowers, incense, and holy water to the deity.

Devotees participate in aarti, a traditional ritual where lamps are waved in front of the idol, accompanied by devotional songs. Prayers are offered to seek blessings, express gratitude, and seek guidance.

The atmosphere is filled with a sense of spirituality and devotion, creating a powerful energy that uplifts the soul.

Festivals and Celebrations

Throughout the year, Sanwariya Seth Temple becomes a hub of festivities and celebrations. The most important festival celebrated at the temple is the birth anniversary of Sawariya Seth, which is marked with great enthusiasm and fervor.

The temple is beautifully decorated with flowers and lights, and devotees gather in large numbers to offer prayers and seek blessings. Cultural programs, devotional music, and dance performances are organized as part of the celebrations.

Another significant festival is Diwali, the festival of lights when the temple is illuminated with thousands of lamps, creating a magical ambiance.

The Legend of Sanwariya Seth Temple

Legends and folklore often weave a captivating narrative around sacred places, and the Sawariya Seth Temple is no exception.

One such tale revolves around the idols hidden under a tree, waiting to be discovered. Meera Bai, a devout devotee of Lord Krishna, used to sing and dance with a special idol. Similarly, a saint named Dayaram cherished a similar idol. When news spread of an impending invasion, Dayaram Ji hid the idols under a tree in Bagund-Bhadisoda Chhapar.

In 1840, a man named Bholaram had a prophetic dream about these hidden idols. To his astonishment, his dream manifested into reality when the idols were unearthed from beneath the tree. The villagers, inspired by this miraculous event, constructed the Sawariya Seth Temple to enshrine these sacred idols.

Local Attractions and Amenities near Temple

Apart from its spiritual significance, Sawariya Seth Temple is situated in a vibrant neighborhood that offers a range of attractions and amenities for visitors.

Market:- Just a short walk away from the temple, one can find bustling markets, where you can shop for traditional handicrafts, textiles, and souvenirs.

Street Food:- The area is also known for its delectable street food, offering a wide variety of local delicacies.

Museums and Historical Sites:- For those interested in history and culture, there are several museums and historical sites in the vicinity.

Additionally, there are comfortable accommodation options available for pilgrims and tourists near the temple.

How to Reach Sawariya Seth Temple

Reaching Sawariya Seth Temple is convenient, due to its central location. The temple is well-connected by road, and regular bus services are available from major cities.

By Train

If you prefer to travel by train, the Chittorgarh Railway Station is your gateway to the spiritual haven of the Sawariya Seth Temple. From the railway station, a short 33-kilometer drive will transport you to the temple’s divine precincts.

By Road

For those who enjoy the scenic beauty of a road trip, buses and private cars provide a convenient mode of transportation. If you are traveling from Delhi, you can catch a bus from Anand Vihar Terminal to Chittorgarh, which will bring you within reach of the Sawariya Seth Temple.

By Air

If you reside in a distant city, air travel is the most efficient way to reach your destination. Maharana Pratap Airport, located 32 kilometers away, serves as the nearest airport to the Sawariya Seth Temple. Upon arrival, a short journey will lead you to the spiritual oasis of Mandfiya.

Note: The distances mentioned may vary depending on the starting point of your journey. It is advisable to check the current travel options and plan accordingly.

Tips for Visiting Sawariya Seth Temple

To make the most of your visit to Sawariya Seth Temple, here are a few tips to keep in mind.

1. Plan Your Trip: The temple is in a town called Mandafia and Chapar, about 40 km from Chittorgarh in Rajasthan. It’s a good idea to plan your visit ahead of time and check when the temple is open, so you won’t have any problems.

2. Visit Other Temples Nearby: There are three more temples near the Sawariya Seth Temple, and they are all within 5 km. They are really cool too! So, you can visit them too and have a great time.

3. Respect the temple customs: Like any other religious place, you need to follow some rules here too. Dress modestly and take off your shoes before going inside the temple.

4. Be mindful of the crowd: Lots of people come to see Lord Krishna at Sawariya Seth Temple every day. It can get crowded, especially at festivals and weekends. So, be ready for that.

5. Stay Hydrated: Rajasthan can get very hot, so make sure you drink a lot of water while you’re there. Bring a water bottle with you.

6. Capture memories: The temple is really beautiful, and you might want to take pictures. That’s totally fine, but remember not to use the flash, and always be respectful.

And most importantly, approach your visit with an open heart and a sincere desire to connect with the divine.

Best Time to Visit

To experience the Sawariya Seth Temple at its best, plan your visit during the winter season, which spans from November to February. The weather during this time is pleasant, allowing you to explore the temple and its surroundings comfortably.

The spring season, from March to April, also offers favorable weather conditions for a visit.

Additional Information: The temple may witness increased footfall during festivals like Karthik Purnima, Janmashtami, Navratri, Diwali, and Holi. Plan your visit accordingly to be a part of these joyous celebrations.

Accommodation Options

While the Sawariya Seth Temple is a spiritual haven, it also provides basic accommodation options for devotees seeking a peaceful retreat.

The temple offers guesthouses and dharamshalas (pilgrim shelters) in the vicinity, ensuring a comfortable stay for those who wish to immerse themselves in the spiritual ambiance for an extended period.


Visiting Sawariya Seth Temple was truly a spiritual journey filled with awe, reverence, and a deep sense of peace. As you left the temple premises, a sense of tranquility and gratitude filled your heart. Feel blessed to have experienced the spiritual energy and divine grace at Sawariya Seth Temple. If you seek solace, spiritual guidance, or simply an opportunity to connect with the divine, I highly recommend embarking on a spiritual journey to Sawariya Seth Temple.


Q: Is photography allowed inside the temple premises?

While photography is generally allowed in the outer areas, it’s advisable to respect the sanctity of the inner sanctums and avoid photography there.

Q: Are there any accommodation options near the temple?

Yes, there are several hotels, guesthouses, and dharamshalas in the vicinity that cater to the needs of pilgrims.

Q: Can non-Hindus visit the temple?

Absolutely! The temple welcomes visitors from all walks of life, irrespective of their religious beliefs.

Q: What should I carry with me on my pilgrimage?

Carry essentials such as water, sunscreen, and comfortable footwear to make your pilgrimage more enjoyable.